23:07:192023-12-29 23:07:19Ninth Circuit: Government Cannot Seize Cash Based Solely on Money’s Intended Use 23:07:192023-12-29 23:07:19Avoid seizures of cash by taking prudent measures 23:07:192023-12-29 23:07:19Legislation Introduced to Curb Federal Forfeiture 23:07:192023-12-29 23:07:19How Civil Forfeiture Makes It Harder for Cops to Do Their Jobs 23:07:192023-12-29 23:07:19Why Cops Should Be Chasing the Bad Guys, Not the Big Bucks
Report: Asset Forfeiture Distorts Police Priorities
Civil Asset Forfeiture: Unfair, Unjust, Un-American
Ninth Circuit: Government Cannot Seize Cash Based Solely on Money’s Intended Use
Avoid seizures of cash by taking prudent measures
Taking people’s stuff: Civil forfeiture is widespread, unjust, and resists reform
Report: Civil Forfeiture Policy Unjustly Deprives People of Property
Legislation Introduced to Curb Federal Forfeiture
How Civil Forfeiture Makes It Harder for Cops to Do Their Jobs
Why Cops Should Be Chasing the Bad Guys, Not the Big Bucks
This Week’s Civil Forfeiture Outrage (Tenth in a Series: Baltimore Edition)